Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Car runs on water!

Water to Gas Conversion Guide - How Can I Run My Car On Water?
Gas prices are rising, and there is no stopping them. Would you like to know how to convert your car so it can run on water? I have been running my car on water for many months now, and all I can say is that it is one of the most beneficial things anyone can do themselves. I will also tell you where you can get the best guides on how to go about doing this.
Can You Actually Run Your Car on Water?
Yes and No, it was discovered a few years ago, that when we combine 2 hydrogens + 1 oxygen we get something called HHO gas. This gas is what gives our cars energy.
These conversion kits have been kept secret for a while. The reason why is because a lot of countries including the USA rely on their oil. It is 100% political. Have you ever wondered why it's taking so long for electric car productions?
Anyways let me explain the no. You need gas AND water in your vehicle to run your car on water. With both of these it pretty much cuts your gas price in half. Imagine filling up your tank all the way. Now look at the price, and cut it in half. That is what the conversion kits do. It preserves gas, and makes it so we use more of it.
DID YOU KNOW that we only use 20% of the gas we put in our car? Yeah the 80% is wasted! This is why are pollution levels have gone up so much, because of the pollution in unused gasoline.
With a water conversion kit you use up more of your gas.
There is a reason why a lot of people that sell these guides often say RUN YOUR CAR ON WATER!!. I wish that most people that sell this product let people know that you DO NEED GAS IN YOUR CAR as well. A lot of salespeople say the "run your car on water slogan", and when they get customers to buy their products, it leaves them very disappointed.
I hope that passing by this article that you have feel a little lucky knowing that you got the facts straight. You can DOUBLE your gas mileage with kits, and it is definitely worth the investment. Its just not 100% water.
What Exactly Does It Cost to Run Your Car on Water?
There are a lot of programs out there that are really expensive. There are also programs out there that are quite affordable. With the links that I provide for you near the end of the article, you can convert your car to run on water for less than $200.
Good Luck! And Happy Saving!
Are you sick and tired of the rise in gas prices? Are you interested in building your own water powered vehicle? The author has created a review site that provides you with the best DIY Water Conversion Guides on the internet. Start saving money today - http://waterforgasprograms.info

Posted by Kane-8:59pm

A Water Car - The Effort And Costs Of Converting Your Vehicle To Benefit From Water
Hello, let`s say you are going to buy one of those e-books that show you how to run you car on water... You`re sitting at your computer, sipping a coffee/beer/soda waiting for your downloaded PDF to appear so you can hop in your water-powered car. Ha ha haaa! Not exactly. As with anything in life you do have to put some effort in to convert your engine to do so. Let`s continue our story... It`s the weekend and you`ve read the e-book and so you rush off to the hardware store to buy the parts needed to start off your water electrolysis unit (a device that uses plain tap water and electricity to produce HHO, hydrogen and oxygen).
These are some of the things you`ll need:

Lot`s of different sizes and lengths of tubing, +- $10
Small container +- $5
Large container +-10
Wires +- $5
Switches +- $10
Valves +- $10
Soldering iron +- $20
Solder etc. +- $10
Other +- $20
So, as you see it`s about $100 in parts, considering what you paid for the e-book, it`s very good value. When you start to assemble the parts you`ll inevitably end up stumped a few times, nothing that a cup of coffee/beer/soft drink couldn`t cure. It does take about 20 hours to assemble, but once you`re done you`ll proudly have the device you dreamed of two weeks ago at your computer. When starting your car for the first time you`ll notice a difference in about five minutes in how the engine reacts to acceleration and so forth, you`ll "feel" the difference for sure! This concludes my basic guide to the cost and installation of a water to gas device for your vehicle, happy driving!
More info can be found on the subject at: http://waterfuel.ross.googlepages.com
Posted by Kane-9:00pm

Goodbye Gasoline - Fuel Your Car with Water
Replacing gas with water is done through a home made system that can be assembled by simple and cheap products found in any hardware store. This Hydrogen on demand device produces hydrogen from tap water. This is the type of system one would need to make any car run on hydrogen and still have the factory performance, and do the work it could do on gasoline. The technology is a hydrogen-from-water generating process that helps solve many of the hydrogen creation and storage problems faced today and in the fast approaching hydrogen economy.
Your vehicle's motor makes HHO (two hydrogen plus one oxygen) fuel as it runs, and its end product is water. So without the harmful emissions associated with fossil fuel, it is very friendly to the environment. I found Water For Gas a couple of months ago, although this technology is said to have been around for more than 90 years.
Imagine if we skip to the future -- ahead of waiting for government regulation. Let's say we increase airspeed from wind into a venturi, as it starts to form into water droplets due to the wind chill factor, we then use those water drops to separate out the hydrogen. H20 from air and two parts hydrogen and allow the oxygen to escape? Hydrogen, which is lighter than air can be caught as the air expands back out into the system, which is using sound to ironically separate out all the hydrogen. Something like that could work, and what's the result? Less money spent on gas, and water-powered cars.
For the full guide on making your own water gas, visit this site to make the switch and start saving tons of money today.
Posted by Kane-9:01pm

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